Monday, June 30, 2008

Easy Simple and No Gym Required!!!

Once again I have found a great article on MSN that inspired me! I don't need a gym membership to be a lean mean sexy looking machine!!! So here it is... simple easy moves to get your body looking AMAZING!!! Try them... I know you will like them! (if not at least the results!!!)

Let me know how it goes!!!

The Equipment

A kitchen timer, or a clock with a second hand that you can easily see, and either a staircase or an 8- to 12-inch step (beginners use a one-level step, advanced exercisers, a two-level version).

The Routine

Warm up for 5 minutes by marching or jogging in place. Then do the five exercises, devoting 1 minute to each. Rest for 1 minute and repeat the circuit. Beginners: Do three complete circuits. Advanced: Do five complete circuits.

The Schedule

Do this workout three times a week, on nonconsecutive days. Once a week, skip the timer and do 10 reps of each exercise, concentrating on form.

A Cardio Kick to Boost Your Metabolism

Canadian researchers report that intervals of high-intensity physical activity are necessary to burn body fat. In fact, their findings suggest that spurts of intense exercise are nearly 900% more effective than the slow-and-steady approach in reducing fat.

You can experience the difference yourself, using aerobic exercise equipment such as a stationary cycle, stairclimber, elliptical stepper, or treadmill. First, warm up by going at about half-speed, or 50% of your perceived maximum effort, for at least 3 minutes. After that, begin a sequence where you go close to all-out for 5 seconds, then slow to your warm-up speed for 10 seconds, then follow with another 5-second spurt near maximum. Repeat the fast-slow-fast cycle as many times as you can, up to a maximum of about 10 minutes. Once you have a sense of the time frame, you can count to yourself instead of watching a clock. Finish with a cool-down, gradually slowing your pace for several minutes or more.

Do this 5 x 10 workout three times a week to start. Over time, you can add intervals until you're exercising for a total of 20 minutes, including a 5-minute warm-up and a 5-minute cool-down.

With the 5 x 10s, you take your metabolism and energy to a whole new level. Don't be surprised if you feel more alert and alive after this workout.

Elbow-to-Knee Sit-Up

A. Lie on floor with knees bent, feet flat on floor. Place hands behind head and lift head and feet a few inches off floor, pointing elbows toward knees.

B. Contract abdominals and rock up so elbows meet knees and you're resting on your "sitz" bones, literally the bones you sit on. Hold for a second, then lower. Keep head and feet off floor during entire minute. If this is too challenging, keep midback on floor and lift hips and shoulder blades to bring knees and elbows together.

Works: Abs

Why It Works

Bringing elbows to knees forces you to coordinate your upper and lower body, increasing abdominal strength and body awareness.

Mountain Climber

Works: glutes, quads, hamstrings, calves, core, chest

Assume a push-up position, with hands flat on floor beneath shoulders and feet hip-width apart, balancing on toes. Bend left knee and plant ball of left foot beneath torso, as shown. Spring off toes and raise hips into the air, switching legs, so left leg is extended and right is bent. Repeat, alternating legs.

Why It Works

This oldie-but-goodie keeps your heart rate high, cranking up your calorie burn to melt fat.


Works: glutes, quads, hamstrings, calves, core

Stand in front of step or staircase with feet together, arms at sides. Place left foot solidly on step, keeping head up and abs tight. Lift body onto step, raising right knee until thigh is parallel to floor, as shown. Hold for a second. Lower right foot to floor behind step, then left. Repeat with right foot and raise left knee. Continue alternating legs.

Why It Works

In addition to mimicking real-life demands, such as climbing stairs, the step-up forces you to engage your core; raising the knee challenges your balance.

Rotating Side Lunge

Works: glutes, quads, hamstrings, calves, core, chest

Stand with feet hip-width apart, arms extended at chest level, hands clasped. Take giant step to left, rotating upper body toward left. Bend left knee and lower hips, keeping left knee over foot, as shown. Press into left foot to return to starting position and repeat. Do a full minute, then switch sides.

Why It Works

This move forces you to balance and coordinate your upper and lower body while moving side to side. "It's a great exercise for strengthening muscles that often go underused in daily life," says Hendrickson.


A. Place hands on floor beneath shoulders and balance on toes, feet hip-width apart. Bend elbows out to sides and lower body almost to floor, as shown. Keep abs tight and body in straight line from head to ankles.

B. Rest knees on floor, keeping toes tucked, and push back up, as shown. At the top of the movement, straighten legs and repeat.

Works: chest, shoulders, triceps, core

Why It Works

This hybrid of the standard push-up and the less-demanding knees-down version allows you to quickly build upper-body strength, for a flattering figure.